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Al Jazeera English - Focus - Fighting for Africa's food security - 0 views

  • Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us.
  • In my work at the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), one of my responsibilities is to help smallholder farmers adapt and create climate-resilient farming methods. Such knowledge exists but often fails to reach Africa's vast rural populations.
  • When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours.  When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular I'm wondering about is how to make more food at the same time as we did before. I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because the girl is sharing about her childhood in Zimbabwe, how to grow food. The expriences that she has is really interested me.
    • KatherineG EWSIS
      I am currently learning about Africa's food security. I read this article "fighting for Africa's foo Security" by Sithembile Ndema. This article. Ms.Ndema speaks a bit about her child hood in Zimbabwe and how she would see her grandmother go to the same one acre plot of land each day, where she would work long hours growing crops. It is how she survived "This is how i wake up everyday, this is how i survive." " She continues to till her field with a hand hoe using seed saved from previous harvest, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type if in outs have remained the same over the years, how ever, the yeilds have been declining drastically." The quote above is basically describing what sithembile's grandmother does. It also address the problem. " Yeilds have been declining drastically." I think this is a serious problem because this is how many people survive. It makes me wonder what other people can do to help. As i was reading this article i began to wonder how i will help this article also made me appreciate the many things that i have and the opportunity's that others do not
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  • Yet today, in 2010, the effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves, let alone their communities. African farmers need to be able to access the knowledge and tools with which to grow a food-secure future for Africa. This would include, for example, the most effective and cost-efficient fertilisers and seeds, and improved access to markets.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The quote I chose here is basically saying that the growth of food in Africa is still based on how good the climate is in now a days. The growth of food supply is not only one farmer's job, but all farmers's job. Everyone work together as a community and be success as a group.
  • While many young people do not seem to care about agriculture, they should acknowledge the fundamental role it plays in our lives.  Not only does it feed the cities, but it also feeds factories with the raw ingredients needed to continue building an economy.   One Young World will give me a chance to promote the importance of agriculture among my peers, and to help them understand its role in creating a food-secure, economically-stable Africa in the future.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      I this is challenging because the technology in now a days are very good, but we still need at least 5 years to improve the technology to make food supply faster and easier. It makes me wonder how can the technology imapct the farming.
  • Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially.
  • "Young people have the advantage of growing up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us" Sithembile Ndema
    • Kyle Garcia
      I agree with this quote I suppose, technology is only improving.
    I'm learning more about Food Security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is this a problem of politics or science? In other words can we right now "Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us. Whilst young people may not yet have the power to drive policies, we will be the ones who must accept the big challenges of the future which are as yet unresolved: from population growth to climate change to market reform and the end of poverty."
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    I'm learning more about food security right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is how the next generation will take over to fight the challenge. I was researching this question online and this article caught my attention because it was written by a 24 year old woman who has worked in the field all her life. She grew up in Zimbabwe and she used to watch her grandmother work long exhausting days as a child and even now. Because of her grandmother, she wants to make a difference as she attempts to get her generation more active in facing world problems.\n\n"Whilst young people may not yet have the power to drive policies, we will be the ones who must accept the big challenges of the future which are as yet unresolved: from population to climate change to market reform and the end of poverty."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that she is calling out to the younger generation for help. Even though we don't have as much power as many others, we still have the power to try. It's up to us to contribute to changing the world.\n\nI think this is strong and hopefully it will motivate the younger generation to volunteer more and acknowledge these world issues. It makes me wonder what will happen in the future when it comes to youth involvement in the world. Will youth voices slowly disappear? Will anyone care anymore?
    "Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us." The quote I chose here is basically saying the younger generation can spread awareness because of the technology nowadays, news can be heard around the world. I think this is strong statement because it's true. That's how most people hear the news. Online, texting, watching television, and social networking. Many youngsters don't really read the newspaper. It's easier to just check the news websites online.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is why is there such a huge food shortage in Africa? While i was researching this question online i found this blog, entitled " Fighting for Africa's food security" It caught my attention because it seemed like it would be interesting and that the answer to my question would be within this blog. I thought this because of the title it had the words food security in it which i know is related to hunger so, it caught my attention. "When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. "
    I'm learning more about Fighting for Africa's food security right now , and in particular what I'm wondering about is how people work so hard? I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because it shows how people in Africa need help. "She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. " This quote I chose here is basically saying how they wake up early and start to work so they can get something to eat. I think that this is strong because for them they have to work really hard to find food. Another quote that I liked was " "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I like this quote because it shows how they are willing to survive no matter what.
    "Yet today, in 2010, the effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves, let alone their communities. " Well right now I'm learning about Food Security and in particular what I'm wondering is that if the problem in climate change in Africa has to do with global warming. There has to be a reason why the climate changing is occurring in Africa.It probably all has to do with global warming. I think maybe that we humans are the ones who caused the decrease in food security. God doesn't that suck....
    "When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. " This is a very sad article to read about. It's too bad that these type of things happen in other parts of the world. I feel so spoiled and bad compared to these people. I'm so lucky and blessed to have the life that I have and that things are sometimes just handed to me and that opportunities are everywhere. I hope these type of lives will one day be over so that everyone can live a wonderful and fruitful life instead of having a hard working life like this.
    I'm learning more about Africa's food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering is: Why isn't the younger generation helping the older generation? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because, all the changes that they are talking about is going to affect them in the long run and if they don't something about it now then it would be harder to fix later. The title of the news article is Fighting For Africa's Food Security. Something that i saw in the summary was that they are trying to fix the problem with Africa and they are trying to make a better way to get the young generation involved since they are not involved at all. "Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially." I think this is a strog description because, if peoplee don't worry the sudden changes now how are they going to fix them later. I think that fixing the problem now will be more easier because later if you try to fix it some obstacles might be in the way.
    I'm learning more about Food Security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what else affects food security. I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it said a bunch of other stuff that would affect food security. I chose this passage because it interests me to learn more about how other things contribute to food security. \n\n"Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that other things like political instability, climate changes, etc are also affecting food security in countries. \n\nI think this is true because it makes me wonder how governments or people who represent us would cause a big effect on food security. I also think that climate changes can cause the most effect on food security because it changes the weather and also causes the temperature to change all around the world. It also causes the world to have more natural disasters all around. Many people lives also changes as the weather around them change.
    I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How does food security affect Africa? I was researching this question online and this blog post was attached on one of the pages on It caught my attention because in the urgent evoke game they made up a hypothetical situation of food security and I wanted to know about an actual one.\n\n"When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day.She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. "\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that agriculture is the main source of food in Africa and the people have to work for their entire lives on crops and farming.\n\nI think this is interesting because people have to do a lot of hard labor. It makes me wonder why in the U.S. and other countries, people are able to retire after a certain age. But, in Africa they have to work their entire lives.
    I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Why is there food security? I was researching this question online and this news item caught my attention because it talks about the reasons why there are food shortages. "The effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves alone. let alone their communities." The quote i chose here is basically saying that due to global warming, and recent climate changes, crops are not growing as well as they could. As the heat, and cold gets worse plants will not be able to survive. I think this is will not be good for the economy because without farmers being able to grow crops, that means less food for the humanity. It makes me wonder how much longer, it will take before food runs out, and people starve to death. Will the scientists figure out a way for more heat-resistant plants?
    This quote caught my attention !!
    "When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. "
    "I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day." This woman must be at least in her sixties, still doing this exhausting work.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa right now, and in particular what im wondering about is Why is food security such a big thing in Africa. i was researching this question online and this news article caught my attention because Mr.Allison myi english teacher pointed it out to me.\n\n"She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically."\n\nThe quote i chose here is basically saying that the girl who is mentioned in the quote works hard to plant her crops and take care of the crops to. Food security is important because she wants to be able to feed her family.\n\ni think this is interesting because It makes me wonder about how food security is in other places outside the United States.

Childhood obesity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Obese children often suffer from teasing by their peers.[10][11] Some are harassed or discriminated against by their own family.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      This is very important because children often becoming suicidal or low self esteemed due to teases made by their peers or own family.
  • Physical inactivity of children has also shown to be a serious cause, and children who fail to engage in regular physical activity are at greater risk of obesity.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      It is very important for an overweight child to engage in physical activity as it can help improve their health and lose weight. The key to fighting obesity is to exercise daily and maintain a healthy eating habit.
  • A 2008 study has found that children who are obese have carotid arteries which have prematurely aged by as much as thirty years as well as abnormal levels of cholesterol[13].
    • Ammy EWSIS
      Why is this so? How does carotid arteries and obesity both contribute to premature aging?
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  • Children's food choices are also influenced by family meals. Researchers provided a household eating questionnaire to 18,177 children, ranging in ages 11–21, and discovered that four out of five parents let their children make their own food decisions.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      A child's weight is highly influenced by their food choices and family meals. It plays a critical role on their diet.Hence if a parent lets their own child make their own food choices, then that wouldn't be good since kids enjoy eating junk food and fast food, which doesn't do any justice to their bodies. Instead, they should be eating healthy nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits. It is important for the parent to be in charge of what their child consumes. I found out from another source that studies have shown that almost all childs who are overweight, are due to their parents giving them control over what they want to eat.
  • Breast-feeding for example may protect against obesity in later life with the duration of breast-feeding inversely associated with the risk of being overweight later on.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      How does breast feeding contribute to preventing child obesity? Where are the facts to support this?
  • Stress can influence a child's eating habits.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      I agree because sometimes when people are stressed, they tend to eat a lot, because eating usually makes them feel better and happier.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      However, in some case, its different for other people. For example, females are very conscious about their own body appearance. They are very strict to themselves when it comes to having a nice body image. When influenced by a magazine model to look thin, they would binge and not eat; which later on leads to a serious case of anorexia.
  • Childhood obesity however can also lead to life-threatening conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer, and other disorders.[6][7] Some of the other disorders would include liver disease, early puberty or menarche, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, skin infections, and asthma and other respiratory problems.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      Yes this is very true. Child obesity can lead to any of these risky factors.
  • Many children fail to exercise because they are spending time doing stationary activities such as playing video games or watching TV. TV and other technology may be large factors of physically inactive children.

Search for Missing Metallica Fan Morgan Harrington Nets No Clues - Noisecreep - 0 views

  • Last week, Metallica's Kirk Hammett spoke about Harrington's case. "We are staying positive that she will be found soon," he said. "We are all hoping for the best and praying for her and her family. We all have children and as parents ourselves, it's our worst nightmare for a child to go out and not come back home. We empathize with that greatly, so we are doing what we can to help find her. We are staying positive."
    I'm learning more about Metallica's murder case right now, and in particular what I'm wondering is what Metallica's feelings about this is. I was researching the status of this online, and this article caught my attention because it was the first link on Google News. The caption mentioned band member Kirk Hammett's opinion on the matter, so I clicked on it since I was curious to his particular thoughts, knowing Kirk Hammett to be a more softer soul in the heavy metal band. "Last week, Metallica's Kirk Hammett spoke about Harrington's case. "We are staying positive that she will be found soon," he said. "We are all hoping for the best and praying for her and her family. We all have children and as parents ourselves, it's our worst nightmare for a child to go out and not come back home. We empathize with that greatly, so we are doing what we can to help find her. We are staying positive." The quote I chose here is basically saying that Kirk Hammett fully understands the sadness that comes with a missing child, and that it's something everyone fears. However, Metallica is staying positive and optimistic that something positive will turn up.

China One Child Policy - Overview of the One Child Policy in China - 0 views

    An overview of how the one child policy in china is

Video game behavioral effects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • From both a social and psychological standpoint, video games have the ability to influence their players both on implicit and explicit levels.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      What does it mean when it says both on implicit and explicit levels?
  • Research on aggressive behavior as an effect of playing violent video games began in the 1980s and 1990s and still continues today.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This is seen a lot in our society today. Many people who are video game addicts exhibit this behavior.
  • some researchers claim that these violent games may cause more intense feelings of aggression than nonviolent games, and may trigger feelings of anger and hostility. Several studies that have supported such findings.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      as one can see at the bottom of this, there is another article supporting this theory.
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  • The average gamer, far from being a teen, is actually a 35-year-old man who is overweight, aggressive, introverted — and often depressed, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[4]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Woah, that is actually really surprising. I thought that the average gamer was a teenager not a 35 year old man
  • Female video game characters are often hypersexualized and unrealistic,[8][9] and have been shown to play a factor in hard-core gamers’ perceptions of ideal beauty
    • Hawa EWSIS
      this is really true since when I play some video games the girls are so unrealistic with huge breasts and all that. It actually makes me feel ugly all the time compared to them.
  • This repetition of violence and reward system create a psychological effect on people telling them that violence is okay.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Is that people commit murders and stuff? This it because of huge influence of the video games?
  • This addiction could lead to physical health problems, spending problems, and time displacement leading to missed work or school days. In one example, a 28 year old South Korean gamer died after 50 hours of StarCraft online gameplay.[12]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I know that video game addiction can make someone socially awkward, but can it really make someone die? Somebody should really go into that....
  • The rise in childhood obesity in the U.S. has raised awareness of media consumption in children.[citation needed] Not only are parents and organizations blaming the food industry for the problem, but they are turning to television and video games as a key factor. Displacement Theory supports the notion that the time that would normally be spent being active outdoors or in sports, children are now replacing with leisure and inactive time in front of the television.[citation needed] Others tend the blame the problem on parental enforcement.[citation needed]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      In short, parents are just blaming video games for their child being overweight. Why would blame others? It's their fault in my opinion since it's the parents that give children access to video games and other things....
  • Anderson and Bushman explain how violent video games promote violent behavior, attitudes and beliefs.
  • have written that video games are neither good or bad alone, because it all depends on the individual and the context they are played in.[18]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I have to agree for the fact that it all does depend on the person. They all have different effects on someone even though sometimes they share the same effects.
  • The interactive nature allows for high levels of entertainment, but has not yet been shown to subtract from the educational lessons being taught. Additionally, developers are beginning to change the view of traditional video games by creating popular games that require the player to be active -Wii Fit, Dance Dance Revolution- or focus on using brain power -Brain Age 2.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      see....a lot of people tend to think that video games is coupled with laziness and being unhealthy. However there are someone games that help become active and some that requires brain power. So video games aren't always that bad.
  • Many authors disagree with the notion that suggests that the media can cause violence, they think that media cannot cause violence because human can recognize what is wrong and what is right and people are not copycats
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Well this can be true at times. It is usually built in someone that tells them what is wrong or not. However, what if it's a child who plays the violent games. They're so young that they might not know what is wrong or right...
  • Journalist and author, David Sheff, believes that many skills can be learned from the gaming experience, it builds practical and intellectual skills,” by playing video games children gain problem solving abilities, perseverance, pattern recognition, hypothesis testing, estimating skills, inductive skills, resources management, logistics mapping, memory, quick thinking and reasonal judgements”. [26]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This can be true at times. However I don't really agree with the reasonal judgements. It depends on the person really.
  • There are many positive effects of video games on some people as suggested by some researches; people play because they want to get away from their everyday life, break routine, to relive stress, allow them to cool off when they are stressful, could help people take out their anger through the game rather in real life because they are fun and interesting way to spend time. [25]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This is true, because you can get lost in the world of whatever game you are playing. You can become another character and just be someone else for a while. Also it's sort of a hea;thy way to release stress instead of surpressing it.
  • In research undertaken by Acta Psychologica, in a number of tasks, video game experts outperformed non-gamers. Experts were able to track objects moving at greater speeds, perform more accurately in a visual short-term memory test, switch between tasks more quickly, and make decisions about rotated objects more quickly and accurately.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Well this is sort of true too since I experience something like this once. I think it does help hand eye coordination at times...

Everyone Needs Therapy: Borderline Personality Disorder and The Fake - 0 views

    I'm learning more about "personality" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is:"Why do I always feel so lonely?" and "Why do I always act so funny?" I was researching this question onine, and this blog "Borderline Personality Disorder and The Fake" caught my attention because the title attracted me and my problem is somewhat related to that title, so I think it should answer my questions. This sparked my interest because maybe I'm somewhat depressed and stressed these days so that I always think too much, which makes me want to explore more about people's inner psychology. My favorite quote in this blog is "the truth is, most people with this disorder are smart, and they can really be very funny." This quote I chose here is basically saying that people who cannot easily control their emotions actually always look funny and they are always very smart. I like this quote because I think it somewhat applies to my situation. I think this is cogent and it makes me wonder that if I am also that type of person. I always look very funny, and maybe most people think I'm smart, which isn't exactly true... but anyways, actually I'm also easy to feel lonely and I always feel that I have some sort of inner disorder or something like that, though I don't really show that on my face, so people cannot really tell. I just don't want people to think that the thing I'm annoyed with is very silly and insignificant. Yet I believe that most people always get angry at very little things, but sometimes things have different meanings to different people, so something may be insignificant to someone, but it may also be very paramount to another. Nevertheless, I have to admit that when I get annoyed with something or someone, I usually just pretend nothing has happened. And the same with things that frustrate me. I would always try to look happy and funny even if I was very depressed. Anyways I believe that it's something that most people do in this society, so it's not rea
    I'm learning more about "personality" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is:"Why do I always feel so lonely?" and "Why do I always act so funny?" I was researching this question onine, and this blog "Borderline Personality Disorder and The Fake" caught my attention because the title attracted me and my problem is somewhat related to that title, so I think it should answer my questions. This sparked my interest because maybe I'm somewhat depressed and stressed these days so that I always think too much, which makes me want to explore more about people's inner psychology.\n\n"And the truth is, most people with this disorder are smart, and they can really be very funny. Traditionally with people who have Borderline Personality Disorder, once they're flying, meaning angry, there's no stopping them. The anger is a manifestation of pain. If you can't see that, then there's no helping your spouse, your child, your friend, your mother, whoever it is who is unable to regulate emotion. When the plate needs shattering, it will shatter. When they need love, they'll find someone to sleep with. When a car needs to be keyed, it will be keyed."\n\nMy favorite quote in this blog is "the truth is, most people with this disorder are smart, and they can really be very funny." This quote I chose here is basically saying that people who cannot easily control their emotions actually always look funny and they are always very smart. I like this quote because I think it somewhat applies to my situation.\n \nI think this is cogent and it makes me wonder that if I am also that type of person. I always look very funny, and maybe most people think I'm smart, which isn't exactly true... but anyways, actually I'm also easy to feel lonely and I always feel that I have some sort of inner disorder or something like that, though I don't really show that on my face, so people cannot really tell. I just don't want people to think that the thing I'm annoyed with is very silly and insi

SSPP Reads: Multiple Intelligences - 0 views

    I'm learning more about the multiple intelligences right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is how did Howard Gardner come up with the multiple intelligences. I was researching this online, and this blog post caught my attention because it mentioned Howard Gardner and the multiple intelligences. The title also showed a preview of what the article is about. I read the blog post and didn't show what i want, however i did find this quote to be intriguing. "Howard Gardner has questioned the idea that intelligence is a single entity, that it results from a single factor, and that it can be measured simply via IQ tests. . . challenging also the cognitive development work of Piaget. Bringing forward evidence to show that at any one time a child may be at very different stages for example, in number development and spatial/visual maturation, Howard Gardner has successfully undermined the idea that knowledge at any one particular developmental stage hangs together in a structured whole. (" The quote i chose here is basically saying that Howard Gardner noticed that people learn differently through the study of basic children. I think this is informative because it makes me wonder how he figured this out without using really complex technology.

Activities that improve your grandchildren's manual dexterity | - 1 views

    "Fine motor skills are described as the coordination of the small muscle movements which usually occur in the fingers and usually in coordination with the eyes. When in relation to the hands (and fingers) the term dexterity is most commonly used. Manual dexterity is the ability for the hands and fingers to make coordinated movements. Strong fine motor skills, such as used with writing, knitting, sewing and other activities that involve the hands and fingers, rely on manual dexterity. In young children, manual dexterity is developed normally through routine activities that also require hand-eye coordination. Some children's fine motor skills develop faster and are stronger than those of others and some children with weak fine motor skills may struggle when learning to form letters and beginning to write." This proves to me that teaching my child when i have one to do pen tricks at a young age would mroe benifical to him rather than waste his/her time with all the toys that require no dexterity to play with. i noticed that my sister have decent dexterity for a 6 year old because my mother often gives her color in booklets what require you to color in the lines and toys that either lego related or building required which is why she is able to write so well at a young age.

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • – People's Army
  • guerrilla
  • guerrilla organization based in Colombia
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  • Colombian government had initially ignored the growing influence of several communist enclaves in and around Sumapaz (a locality of Bogotá) until 1964 when, under pressure by Conservatives who considered the autonomous communities (which were labeled as “independent republics” by senator Álvaro Gómez Hurtado,[31]) to be a threat, the Colombian National Army was ordered to take full control of the area.
  • By 1985, the major guerrilla groups (EPL, FARC-EP, M-19, and ELN) had come together under an umbrella organization known as the Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CNG). This group evolved in 1987 into the Simón Bolívar Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CGSB), which led negotiations between the numerous guerrilla groups and the government. While the CGSB did achieve some of its goals, its success was very limited. The CGSB's initiative led to the successful peace process with the M-19. The FARC-EP and ELN, on the other hand, decided to continue their struggle.
  • The FARC-EP have demanded a mechanism for prisoner exchange, which would involve the liberation of 21 military and police "prisoners of war"[12] (not including civilians held for extortion or ransom, which may number in the thousands) that the group currently holds, in exchange for the release of at least 500 jailed criminal rebels. During the duration of the DMZ negotiations, a small humanitarian exchange took place.
  • Partial hostage releases and escapes during 2006 and 2007
  • Anti-FARC rallies
  • Death of Raúl Re
  • Death of Manuel Marulanda Vélez
  • Hugo Chavez's call to disarm
  • Operation Jaque
  • FARC receives most of its funding -which has been estimated to average some $300 million per year- from taxation of the illegal drug trade, ransom kidnappings, bank robberies, and extortion of large landholders, multinational corporations, and agribusines
  • Drug trafficking Main article: Illegal drug trade in Colombia FARC-EP was not initially involved in direct drug cultivation, trafficking, or trans-shipment prior to or during the 1980s. Instead, it maintained a system of taxation on the production that took place in the territories that they controlled, in exchange for protecting the growers and establishing law and order in these regions by implementing its own rules and regulations[100][101]. During the 1990s, FARC expanded its operations, in some areas, to include trafficking and production, which has provided a significant portion of its funding[102]. Right-wing paramilitary groups also receive a large portion of their income from drug trafficking and production operations[102]. FARC has called for crop substitution programs that would allow coca farmers to find alternative means of income and subsistence. In 1999, FARC worked with a United Nations alternative development project to enable the transition from coca production to sustainable food production. On its own, the group has also implemented agrarian reform programs in Putumayo[103][100][101][104]. In areas where it is involved in coca production, FARC generally makes sure that peasant coca growers receive a much larger share of profits than the paramilitaries would give them[105][99][101], and demands that traffickers pay a decent wage to their workers[99]. According to journalist and author Garry Leech, when growers in a FARC-controlled area are caught selling coca to non-FARC brokers, they are generally forced to leave the region, but when growers are caught selling to FARC in paramilitary-controlled areas, they are generally killed[105]. He concludes that the lower prices paid for raw coca in paramilitary-controlled areas lead to significantly larger profits for the drug processing and trafficking organizations, which means that they generally prefer that paramilitaries control an area rather than FARC[105]. After the April 21, 2001 capture of Brazilian druglord Luiz Fernando da Costa (aka Fernandinho Beira-Mar) in Colombia, Colombian and Brazilian authorities accused him of cooperating with FARC-EP through the exchange of weapons for cocaine. They also claimed that he received armed protection from the guerrilla group.[106][107][108] [edit] Kidnappings Main article: Kidnappings in Colombia The FARC-EP is responsible for ransom kidnappings in Colombia. The group’s kidnapping targets are usually those that it considers wealthy landowners and businessmen, the police and military, as well as foreign tourists and entrepreneurs, and prominent international and domestic officials.[109] Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has expressed his disagreement with their resorting to kidnappings[110]. [edit] Human rights concerns
  • Child soldiers FARC-EP, the ELN, and right-wing paramilitaries all train teens as soldiers and informants. Human Rights Watch estimates that the FARC-EP has the majority of child combatants in Colombia, estimating that approximately one quarter of the guerrillas are under 18 years of age[112][113]. Forcible recruitment of children, by either side, is rare in Colombia; most of the children join of their own volition without any threats of force to themselves or their families. They join for a variety of reasons including poverty, lack of educational opportunities, avoiding work in the coca processing plants (which is dangerous), escaping from domestic violence, offers of money (mostly from paramilitaries, who pay their soldiers), and other reasons[113].

UNICEF - Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse - Female genital mutali... - 1 views

    Im learning more about FGM/C right now, and in particular im wondering about is: why do women think it is OK to prefrom FGM/C. I was researching this question online, and this article showed up. ( It caught my attention because of the large number of women who still preform FGM/C to this day. "FGM/C is mainly performed on children and adolescents between four and 14 years of age. In some countries such as Ethiopia however, more than half of FGM/C is performed on infants under one year old." The purpose of this quote is to inform people on the ongoing events involving FGM/C. In particular, FGM/C on children and adolesense. I think this is very important to know about because in most societies, sexual is over looked, and given to practically anyone. However, in most places around the world, sexual activites are extremely important learn about.

Astronomy and Education Resources » Blog Archive » Employing Howard Gardner's... - 0 views

  • Each student is uniquely different and learns in a variety of different way. So you will find that many of the top tier private preschools and child care centers will recognize this on a daily basis. Many of these best schools will let each child learn at their own pace and steer them into smaller groups for learning. The student will do more reading if it is shown that they have more advancement in linguistic stimulation. Or if he or she show advancement in reasoning, mathematics, or creative arts, then the student will be lead in the direction.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      I'm learning more about Howard Gardner right now and in particular what I am wondering now is: What made him want to write about these eight intelligences?I was researching this question online and this blog post caught my attention because the background is very eyecatching and the summary was very vague but I thought about it and I figured out what the writer had meant. The quote I chose was basiacally the answer to my question because it states the reason that he wrote the book with those learning styles, he says that the best schools focus on your individual talents so you succeed in your life to your best ability

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Discovering the Giftedness in All | Childhood Education | Find ... - 0 views

    I'm learning more about the multiple intelligences right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: What was the theory based upon? I was researching this question online, and this magazine article caught my attention because it implies some evidence for the theory is too inclusive to be entirely true. "The key to MI theory is that it addresses cultural diversity and inclusion of children with disabilities in a manner that enables them to function optimally in the classroom setting. Thus, attention is not drawn to the fact that some children are different in some way, because their learning experiences are constructed to maximize their success." The quote I chose here is basically saying that the Multiple intelligence theory draws a lot of its proof from using disabled students. Therefore, not everyone realizes that every child is going to be different. In turn, they will succeed differently. I think this is surprising because I had thought the original purpose for the theory was equality in the classroom, not focus on specific people. It makes me wonder if I should reevaluate my perception of the multiple intelligences.

Personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • These behavioral patterns in personality disorders are typically are associated with severe disturbances in the behavioral tendencies of an individual, usually involving several areas of the personality, and are nearly always associated with considerable personal and social disruption.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      This is important because it talks about why personality may occure. Behavior and social disturbance can cause a lot of damage in ones life.
  • The onset of these patterns of behavior can typically be traced back to late adolescence and the beginning of adulthood and, in rarer instances, childhood
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      This is imortant too because it tells us when personality disorders can be diagnosed. Knowing when its diagnosed id inportant because it will keep us aware and if we see someone changing we can help them .
  • Cluster A (odd or eccentric disorders) Paranoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.0): characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others. Schizoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.20): lack of interest in social relationships, seeing no point in sharing time with others, misanthropy, introspection. Schizotypal personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.22): characterized by odd behavior or thinking.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      In my psych class my professor was talking about the cluster A.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • under the specific person
  • under the specific personality disorder under consideration: There is evidence that the individual's characteristic a
  • According to ICD-10, the diagnosis of a personality disorder must satisfy the following general criteria, in addition to the specific criteria listed under the specific personality disorder under consideration:
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      Its the same for all psychological disorder. They all have too meet a certain critararia to be diagnosed as a psychological patient
  • Child abuse and neglect consistently evidence themselves as antecedent risks to the development of personality disorders in adulthood.[citation needed] In this particular study, efforts were taken to match retrospective reports of abuse with a clinical population that had demonstrated psychopathology from childhood to adulthood who were later found to have experienced abuse and neglect.

Uganda's Child Soldiers (Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army) - 0 views

  • In another part of the world, on the other side of this globe, in the northern districts of Uganda, 30,000 children have been abducted in the past 20 some years. Most every family in the Acholi and now Langi area has been affected. Many families have lost a child through abduction, or their village was attacked and destroyed, families burned out and/or killed, and harvests destroyed by an army of abducted children known as The Lord’s Resistance Army. The countryside is virtually empty and people have moved into safe villages that are supposed to be protected by the government, but that has often been in words but not in deed.  At night the children of the north flee into towns to sleep, fearing that they might be abducted
3More - 23-year-old alleged killer may have ADHD - 0 views

  • Pathip, 23, is on trial for stabbing his girlfriend Jeevitha Panippan, 18, to death on July 7 last year.
  • News     23-year-old alleged killer may have ADHD By Ong Dai Lin, TODAY | Posted: 12 November 2009 0733 hrs     Photos 1 of 1 Singapore's Supreme Court building       SINGAPORE: He had been "active" since he was a year old, and even needed to be tied with a rope to be kept in one place. In primary school, his teachers complained that he could not sit still for more than five minutes. That was the picture Pathip Selvan Sugumaran's mother painted of her son as a boy. Pathip, 23, is on trial for stabbing his girlfriend Jeevitha Panippan, 18, to death on July 7 last year.
    Pathip Selvan Sugumaran, 23, who is on trial for stabbing his girlfriend Jeevitha Panippan, 18, to death on July 7 last year, has been described as an over-active child who could not sit still for more than five minutes.

Mexico takes lead in launching national campaign against human trafficking - 0 views

    I'm learning about human trafficking right now, and in particular what im wondering about is: why would people do that? i researched my question online and this article caught my attention. "Traffickers seek out vulnerable victims and coerce them into situations of exploitation. One such example is Maria (not her real name), an 8-year old girl who was forcibly removed from her home in Guatemala by a child trafficking ring and taken to a brothel in Cancún two years ago. Maria is now staying in a shelter for victims of human trafficking in Mexico City" The quote i chose here is basically saying that the traffickers picked up an innocent 8 year old girl and turned her into a prostitute. People are disgusting and will do anything for money. They just go and pick up people and think they can do whatever they want with them. As if we were just livestock.
    I'm learning more about Women Empowerment right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: What do women have to empower?. I was researching this question online and this news item caught my attention because it talks about Mexico launching national campaign against human trafficking. I chose this item to read because I know that this situation is the top problem in the world. The title tells makes you think tons of things like for example that they want to end this problem. There are other countries who traffics a lot. "14 April 2010 - Mexico today took the lead in putting human trafficking on the global agenda by launching its own national version of the United Nations "Blue Heart" campaign against human trafficking." The quote I chose here is basically saying that they are come with an organization to deal with the Mexican Traffickers. They want to improve. It is almost like the United Nations in the USA. They want to make their own version. I think this is strong because it makes me wonder about how all the time the traffickers have to hide from the police. Their poor family are suffering. If they get caught they are in jail or they die. They get a lot of money. I want to know out of the entire world how many traffickers are in the world.

Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids | Video on - 1 views

  • Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids
  • ave kids done? Well, Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust, Ruby Bridges helped end segregation in the United States, and, most recently, Charlie Simpson helped to raise 120,000 pounds for Haiti on his little bike. So,
  • Kids can be full of inspiring aspirations and hopeful thinking
    • Ammy EWSIS
      I agree with this sentence that many adults learn from kids. They might not notice it, but it always happens. Adults sometimes deny that fact because they believe that children's ideas are full of flaws and in other words, "childish". Now I, myself, really hate it when adults call us that because they, were also once a child. What Adora said that I agreed with the most was when she said that because we will also turn into adults, we will grow up to be better adults so that we can help the Earth move foward.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • And that's a good thing because in order to make anything a reality, you have to dream about it first.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      This is another fantastic point that Adora made. I also believe that in order to make anything a reality, you have to dream about it first. Everything that exists here(other than nature) started with an idea, imagination, wish, a dream.
    I just saw this video called " Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids". I liked this video due to the fact that it explains a lot about kids and adults. The traits the word childish addresses are seen so often in adults that we should abolish this age-discriminatory word when it comes to criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking.
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